2023 - A Year of Growth and Change
This year was filled with excitement as we added more activities and options in our programs, while advocating for the Dignity of Work for all individuals with developmental disabilities.

2022 - Celebrating the Past, Moving to the Future
While much of 2022 was spent celebrating our 50th Anniversary and recognizing how far we have come in those years, we also used this year to prepare for our future. We are ready to see what the next 50 will bring!

2021—Staying Strong As The World Changed
The pandemic changed the way we operated, but it didn't deter us from staying true to our goal. One of our participants, James, didn't let the pandemic slow him down, embracing the spirit that we all had to persevere through tough times. Read about all that here!

2020—More Than Coffee!
The Red Porch--our little cafe that's all about community and connecting. With exceptional coffee and food choices, it emulates the mission and values of Community Link. Read all about it!

2019—Community Employment is TEArrific!
We're thrilled with our partnership with The Republic of Tea and that they've hired a couple of our participants to work at their facility. Read all about it!

2018—Every Family Has A Story...Welcome To Ours!
Read about how eight individuals with unique backgrounds blended together to create a beautiful family at our Trenton CILA. And, meet Mary...one of our priceless volunteers! Don't miss how our participants make a community impact!

2017 Annual Report
Statesman Clarence Francis said, "You can buy a man's time and physical presence at a certain place...But you can't buy enthusiasm, initiative, loyalty, and the devotion of hearts, minds and souls."
Your volunteer hours continue to make a difference. In the last year, you volunteered more than 1,500 hours! With 38 recurring volunteers, your bond has strengthened and has created a united group to help our participants.
2016 — Optimism
"Optimism is a cure for many things." - Michael J. Fox
Community Link is at it's best when operating through an optimistic prism. One of our current strategic goals is to accomplish "All stakeholders take ownership and live the mission, purpose and values of Community Link." By embracing optimism, Community Link has made significant inroads towards this goal.

2015 - Riding Roller Coasters and Planting Trees
There is an old Chinese proverb that states, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Community Link can no longer afford to choose being a victim to the State of Illinois’ annual budgeting process – i.e. riding the roller coaster – and living each day with a victim way of thinking. It’s time to plant a tree where we are louder and prouder in promoting the interests of Community Link.
- Possibilities AR 2015 sm (2) (5.1 MB pdf)
- AUDIT REPORT 091515 (341 KB pdf)
- Form 990 FY15 Signed (1.6 MB pdf)
2014-Turning Dreams into Reality
At Community Link, our new strategic direction has a focus on turning the dreams of our participants into reality. Whether it is the dreams of our Early Head Start parents that their 0-3 aged children have the skills necessary for success when it comes time for school; or the dreams of some of our developmentally disabled adults wanting to find a job in the community that provides the income, opportunity, inclusion, and respect they have always sought. The people at Community Link have real dreams that we attempt to convert into reality on a daily basis.
- Possibilities Annual Report 2014 (1) (25.2 MB pdf)
- Form 990 FY14 signed including schedules (6.2 MB pdf)
- FY14AuditFinal091214 (369 KB pdf)
2013 — Strategic Planning and Growth
The new strategic plan is being implemented, and Community Link is ready for the future, whatever it brings, to serve our clients and their families. We’ve increased the amount of space at the Fairview Heights Metro site, we’ve implemented “GO” Get Out Together events, the First Step Prevention program is expanding services, Community Living Programs has witnessed the power of community involvement, and we’ve grown in our recycling business.
- 2013 Annual Report (4.8 MB pdf)
- 2013 Form 990 (6.1 MB pdf)
- 2013 Audited Financial Report (1.2 MB pdf)

2012 — Celebrations and Changes
It's been a busy year at Community Link. We wrapped up our 40th year celebration with the Gala event in March. We've hired a new executive director, a new development director, a new Early Head Start leader, we've recognized two board members as their terms expired, welcomed four new board members, and enjoyed three successful fund-raising events.
- 2012 Annual Report (6.9 MB pdf)
- 2012 Form 990 (6.1 MB pdf)
- 2012 Audited Financial Report (105 KB pdf)

2011 — New Directives Set
The board set new strategic directives in FY 2010-11, focusing on revenue and board development and improving community integration. Management set new directives toward offering a more person-centered programming and inspiring program participants to become self-advocates. Artists were discovered through a volunteer-based art therapy program. Employees shined by earning the United Way Division Award for the "largest percent increase for an agency campaign."
- Annual Report 2011 (1.7 MB pdf)
- 2011 Form 990 (1.3 MB pdf)
- 2011 Audited Financial Report (62 KB pdf)
2010 — Gifts That Keep Giving
In FY 2009-2010, thanks to gift giving, the agency was able to finance the addition of a ramp and deck for the Highland group home and two bathrooms at the Germantown group home to make them accessible. Memorial gifts enabled the agency to purchase a marquee for the East building and provided training for individuals.
- Annual Report 2010 (8.1 MB pdf)
- 2010 Form 990 (2.9 MB pdf)
- 2010 Audited Financial Report (584 KB pdf)
Previous Reports
- 2009 Audited Financial Report (60 KB pdf)
- 2009 Form 990 (1.4 MB pdf)
- 2008 Audited Financial Report (89 KB pdf)
- 2008 Form 990 (407 KB pdf)